Sodiq Alabi

Your expert for clear, engaging and analytical writing.

I am a critically acclaimed poet and writer whose work has appeared in local and international publications. I am the author of The Texture of Air (2015), a widely praised poetry collection.

I work as a communication specialist, helping organisations strategise their external and internal communication and digital communication. In the last five years, I have successfully landed hundreds of media mentions and features for the various organisations I’ve worked for. I have appeared and also  helped place my organisations/clients on local and international television channels including NTA, Channels, and CNBC Africa.

You can engage me for freelance writing, editing, research and analysis, and communication strategy services for individuals and corporate organisations.

What I Do


My work has been published in most of the major newspapers in Nigeria and in international literary journals. My writing style prioritises clarity, conciseness and engagement with the audience. I can write for an audience of diplomats as well for market women. I ghost-write articles, business plan, biographies, e-books, poems to celebrate your loved ones, and anything else that requires stringing meaningful words together.


Every writer needs an editor. I provide editorial services for all writing projects- proposals, biographies, op-eds etc. I make sure your final draft is clear and devoid of plagiarism, your data and claims are fact-checked, and your style is consistent.


You cannot run an organisation or execute a project without a sound communication strategy. I can help you create a communication strategy that’s tailored to your needs and ambitions. I do not issue generic strategies, rather I will work with you to understand what you need and help you figure out how to achieve them. I have done this for international organisations, political candidates and local organisations.


I hold a bachelor’s degree in Plant Biology and I am rounding off an MBA in Marketing and an MA in Media and Social Change, so I am comfortable with helping you with scientific research as well as research in humanities. I know how to find information as long as it exists. I know how to help make sense out of a data dump or overwhelming information.